Medical Research

We advance scientific discovery and human health by investing in Boston’s most promising early-career scientists and leading institutions as they work at the forefront of biomedical innovation and scientific excellence.

Grants in this area are by invitation only.

Early-Career Awards

Since 1992, we have awarded a total of $58.2 million to 239 biomedical investigators.

These awards are particularly important as government-funded support for early-career investigators continues to decline.

Excellence Awards

The Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research supports promising pre-tenure researchers as they establish their first independent lab.

Odyssey Awards

The Smith Family Foundation Odyssey Award program supports highly innovative pre-tenure researchers to pursue unorthodox inquiries.

Richard A. Smith Excellence Prize

The Richard A. Smith Excellence in Biomedical Research Alumni Prize is awarded every two years to recognize and celebrate a prior Smith Family Excellence Awardee who demonstrates outstanding potential to advance our ability to improve human health, either directly or through foundational discoveries.

The $250,000 Prize is an investment in the recipient’s curiosity, originality, courage, and scientific rigor. Its purpose is to empower recipients to take rational risks and make bold moves to meaningfully improve human health.

The Prize is named in honor of Richard A. Smith who was a longtime champion of early-career scientists.

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Richard A. Smith

Richard A. Smith Excellence Prize Recipients

Andrew C. Kruse, Harvard University (2024)
Emily Balskus, Harvard University (2022)