November 12, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Foundation awarded the 2024 Richard A. Smith Excellence in Biomedical Research Alumni Prize to Dr. Andrew C. Kruse of Harvard University for his contributions to advancing human health through his work on the molecular basis of membrane protein signaling.

The $250,000 Prize is awarded every two years to recognize and celebrate a prior Smith Family Excellence Awardee who demonstrates outstanding potential to advance our ability to improve human health, either directly or through foundational discoveries.

The prize is an investment in the recipient’s curiosity, originality, courage, and scientific rigor. Its purpose is to empower recipients to take rational risks and make bold moves to meaningfully improve human health.

Dr. Kruse is an alumni of the Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research, founded by the late Richard Smith and his wife, Susan, to support and launch the careers of newly independent biomedical researchers. Their goal and the continued aim of the program is to help scientists at this early stage of their careers — a critical time when support is most needed.

Dr. Gary Ruvkun (left) and Robert Smith (right) present the 2024 Richard A. Smith Excellence in Biomedical Research Alumni Prize to Dr. Andrew Kruse (center).